All of you is welcome here!

Here, you don’t have to choose…and it doesn’t have to look like it “makes sense”. Yes I am super soft, feminine and flow. Yes I am also an adventurer, a powerhouse, full of fire & spice…I allow life to move through me and call upon the energy best suited for any given moment. This liberation is possible for you, because needless to say I didn’t always live this way.

I coach grounded folk choosing to live more magical lives. Those choosing to transform their lives through an honest, accountable & empowered relationship with self.

Your super power is owning who you are. With no part left behind. No longer contorting, controlling or denying aspects of self- this creates the illusion that there is an elusive piece missing…somewhere out there. A search that could go on forever. It is time to land in your wholeness & become magnetic to the life you desire- because you are finally in your truth!

Redefining what true leadership is

True leadership is so far removed from a corporate identity and poster of company values. There are no rules- only the ones you create! For me leadership isn’t serious as much as it is sexy. It is exciting to take radical responsibility. It is empowering to pick your power back up & live life on purpose…but hey if one of your rules is that it’s serious own it!

Regardless- each one of us has an inner-leader. How well you relate with them & recruit their potential is what’s up for question…Reclaim the leader within with group, private or executive coaching & navigate your way through life with skill & precise intention. When you’ve had enough of luke warm living, you know where I am!