3 months blending Spiritual + Energy refinement with Behaviour Change Coaching

Elevate your “My dream, might be possible…maybe…one day??”🤔 into "Obviously I created my dream life" 💁🏽‍♀️ That's the reality of Spiritual Alignment, darling! It’s my signature journey for a reason.

🎟️Spiritual Alignment is your golden ticket to:

  • Unwavering connection to your power & purpose

  • Never questioning your worth, value, or vision again

  • Your life level-up with an AAA pass

💎Imagine supercharging your favourite crystals with this energy:

100% of SA grads say you'll experience

  • Solid AF self-love & respect

  • Achieving the beautiful & bold visions in your journal & meditations

  • Freedom, enjoyment & spontaneity

  • Becoming a powerful magnet because of energy & action

🌿We Sage the space of this:

  • Say goodbye to fixating on your “blocks” and “wounds”

  • No more struggling to prove your worthiness to your dreams

  • Bye-bye to relying on healers to do the work for you

Your path awaits you…jump into your investment options here!

Using these pillars of truth Spiritual Alignment Your Natural Essence:

  1. Authenticity over perfection: There is no natural interest/attachment to perfection. This suppresses freedom, your unique expression, power & voice.

  2. Belonging over proving: There is no natural lack of worth for any of your own desires. You are the vehicle & energy source your dreams require to come to life.

  3. Evolution over settling: There is no natural interest in stagnancy. There is no end to your ability to grow & evolve. To give up on your ability to adapt is to give up on the very nature of what it means to be alive.

🎲 Stop the waiting game. Snap out of the daydreams & stop creating vision boards.

🧩 You’ve got the energy piece of this puzzle down—it’s time to act! Initiate your transformation now, you know you want it, now let’s create it!

🪩 Secure your ultimate glow-up in time for summer 2024 with a 10% deposit (£300) below, or scroll down & book your connection call with me!

💅🏽 What are you waiting for, darling?

This link prompts you for a 10% deposit payment of £300. This secures your space, so I will then be in touch to discuss with you a start date & remaining payment plan that suits!


  • Madiha, Board Director

    Before S.A I was feeling a strong push to chang my life; though this was accompanied with a lack of clarity, direction, and a fear of the unknown. In particular I was feeling stuck in the same pattern of starting/stopping new initiatives. The S.A coaching has allowed me to really focus on my core values and all align all aspects of my life with these. I feel so much clearer and importantly, empowered by the choices I make, and why I make them. I truly believe all the changes from my work life to love life are due to my personal transformation over the 3 months with Kate.

  • Sarah, Marketing Manager

    I decided to start coaching with Kate after going to a few of her events over the past 18 months or so. There were changes in my personal life knew I wanted to make, but just kept stalling. The past 3 months have been quite miraculous! I was drawn to Kate’s grounded approach to Spirituality and thanks to the values process I confidently set and maintain boundaries that support my dreams. As a result, I have experienced a promotion work, left the relationship I fet trapped in, and generally wake up each day feeling so much happier in myself! For anyone on the fence - trust me, and more importantly trust yourself! Go for it!

  • Linda, Pilates Teacher + Studio Owner

    Kate's 1:1 coaching was exactly what I needed to help me to step into who I really am. I am so glad I took the leap! Kate is pure magic. She is grounded, inspiring and hugely supportive. She is encouraging and offers calming, practical guidance. She created a safe space for me to open up into the depths of my heart. Kate is so intuitive, gifted and helped me to truly hear the callings of my soul

  • Laura, Handcrafted + Bespoke Jeweller

    When I started, I was feeling low in confidence and very 'flat'. The future was a place of fear, not excitement. Now I have finished, I am feeling a lot more comfortable in my own skin and am looking to the future with excitement. Kate is a gentle and encouraging yet has such strength of character. Authentic and accountable, which you want from your coach!

  • Rich, Brand + Strategy Consultant

    Kate is a warm and confident coach, there isn't anything I'd say could be improved but I especially loved having my natal chart reading in one of our sessions. If you're thinking about coaching with Kate, I say go for it. Kate is a great coach to work with to help guide yourself further into your inner journey.

  • Susann, Learning Manager

    I feel more settled in myself, clear about values, more self confident and accepting and just lighter overall. The coaching really helped me to get out of my head and more into my body and heart.

  • Amy, Marketing

    The coaching journey was amazing and I've massively benefitted from each session. I almost backed out because I was seeing it as a risk, and Kate was really kind during our initial back and forth via DMs. I’m so glad I took the leap, and if you are nervous, as I was, I say do it! Kate gives you such powerful, practical tools to move beyond your self limitations and become a more powerful version of yourself.

  • Rishi

    I benefited from the balance of nurture and holding space vs calling out and challenging as I was feeling unsure about what my next steps were going to be. Now I have made some big decisions and I am looking forward to the future and my part in creating it!

let me entertain you…

✨I know the energy practices are your jam…so I’ll entertain you for a moment & play your game. Imagine these two timelines awaiting you in June/July 2024 for me please:

🌸 Timeline A: You are sat with your friends enjoying an alfresco dinner; the early evening sun is warming your skin as it shines down on you. A stranger walks past and you catch eyes, they smiles at you complimenting your radiance. You smile and say “thank you”. Belly laughter erupts as you candidly update them on a ridiculous date you’d been on the day before. The evening ends and as you stroll home enjoying your favourite track of the summer you catch yourself singing along. Suddenly it all hits you…

✨ I’m freely singing in public…

✨ I initiated these plans, because I wanted some fun in the sun…

✨ I receive compliments with ease…

✨ Even the “mishaps” are like water of a ducks back now…

✨ I’m so much more present in my life…there’s no rushing.

✨Even these seemingly mundane moments, feel so rich & sweet!

You took the plunge into Spiritual Alignment back in April & now you’re the woman consistently being asked “what’s your secret? What products are you using, what diet are you on?”

You smile, that knowing smile…this is Spiritual Alignment baby! This is lasting & unrivalled radiance.

Click to secure with a £300 deposit. Payment plans begin at £300pm, I will be in touch to A- celebrate your step forward & then to discuss your start date + preferred payment plan

🧘🏽‍♀️ Timeline B: Your WhatsApp is pinging as photos from your friends sunny catch up come through. You silence the group…they all look like they’re having so much fun without you. You were invited…but you wanted to attend this Inner Child workshop, it promised to heal you of your blocks & give you the key to living your dream life…all within 90 minutes & only for £40!

As you park the car & walk to the venue a stranger passes you by; you catch eyes & they smile. “What’s that about?” You think. “Is my makeup smudged?” That fleeting moment leaves you feeling uncomfortable in your skin. You arrive at the studio, it’s dimly lit & decide to set up your space in the back - out of the way.

The event itself was interesting enough, nothing particularly different to the countless other Inner Child healing sessions you’ve experienced. As you drive home your favourite track comes on. You quietly appreciate it, tapping the steering wheel. Your mind already returning to that stranger who smiled at you earlier. You look in the mirror & decide it must’ve been a sympathy smile because you look a little tired.

You wake up the next day & the inspiration you felt is already just a flicker & fades away by the time you pick up your phone & somehow end up in an Instagram doom scroll.

🎲 It’s cool that you can imagine these & feel one that is far more compelling…it’s empowering to actually set yourself into new motions to experience it in real life!

🪩 Secure your ultimate glow-up in time for summer 2024 with a 10% deposit (£300) above, or book your connection call with me to ask any questions/double check this is the right space for you right now.

Doors are open to my signature programme spiritual Alignment:

The private coaching journey where your energy attracts at an accelerated rate, your words have impact & your body becomes the ultimate space for your wildest dreams to be nurtured to life.

My signature blend of spiritual - energetic - mindset tools that consistently provides clients with transformation beyond their wildest dream when we begin. Welcome the true power of being you!


Within 3 months you evolve your identity so behaviour, beliefs & habits align with your vision & values. Spiritual Alignment is here for the liberators of the lineage. The ones choosing to reawaken the internal source of power & live life on purpose. It is time to welcome your identity of worth & bring that bold dream within your heart to life! You don’t find half-hearted living fulfilling so stop tip toeing around your desire for greatness & experience the power of Spiritual Alignment.


What I know to be true about our nature:

  • We need to change, evolve & grow whilst we are alive. Anything that is living must change (over & over & over…) When we resist this part of our humanity we are left unfulfilled.

  • We are creative by nature. Our unique creative energy requires quieting the external noise & truly learning who we are. From here creative expression is our natural way of life.

  • We develop our power by embracing challenge. Comfort is a sedative that will dilute your true desire & potential. It is by leaning into challenge we get to witness the depths of ourselves come online.

If you are in resistance to any of these truths, Spiritual Alignment will bring you home to your inherent power & path to prosperity.

Practical considerations:

  • Spiritual MOT is a 3 month journey

  • This is a 4 figure investment in yourself

  • The investment can be paid in one or split across an agreed instalment plan

  • If you are based in Leeds location for our sessions is your choice

  • If you are outside of Leeds our sessions will take place via Zoom

  • After completing the application form below I will contact you within 72hrs to confirm your place. Please be ready to reserve your space by way of a 10% deposit.

  • If we have not worked together and/or you have questions before completing your application, please book a complimentary connection call using this link.

    Over arching principles within any container with me:

  • The foundation: you are whole & worthy exactly as you are. This is the time to question your doubts not your dreams.

  • There is no missing piece, all the power & keys to any success you desire is within you. This is the process of tuning in

  • A blend of mindset - somatic - spiritual tools that will create lasting transform in alignment with your definition of success & freedom.